Parallelized Turing-Complete
Smart Contracts on
Bitcoin Network

Unified Parallelization by Multi-VMs
Scalability for each individual smart contract
Lock-free parallelization within each contract Unified contract parallelization over multi-core & multi-machine

Hashrate re-using
Adjustable Block Interval
Secure consensus with EH/s-level hashrate by Bitcoin network + Mining revenue: Reward from mature/premature/forked BTC blocks

First-class Asset (Move Semantics)
Tracking asset transfer of any token
Decouple token minting, holding and management+ Mining revenue: Liquidity-based transaction fee

A smart contract programming model designed to scale-out smart contract on any parallel blockchain system

Participating in the early peg-in to earn campaign, every early-tester are eligible to claiming the $BRX
Notice: You can use up to 50% of the pegged-in BTC (rxBTC) as seigniorages